
About Families

So often at churches you get student ministries, young adult ministries, and adult ministries, which means families arrive at church and immediately go their separate ways, never actually worshipping together. CHPC believes that strong faith comes out of strong families of faith. Families that practice their faith together, learn together, and support each other. We strive for an intentional and integrative approach to ministry which places the family- whatever “family” is to you- at the center of our ministry. The question we ask is simple, what if your home became a church, and your family became ministers to one another? We want to equip you and prepare you to have your faith become a real part of your daily life, instead of simply a place you visit on sunday. Our family ministry activities are eclectic in when we meet and what we do, because that is just how family life works! If you want to be up to date on what we are doing this month, send a message to Matt Moncrief, our Minister of Spiritual Formation for Students and Families and he will make sure you never miss an opportunity to bring faith home to your family.